
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Getting Back In The Groove

Life has been pretty busy since my last post. I excepted a new job and had to put my daughter in daycare for the first time. After being home with her for three years and working the night shift it has been very challenging for all of us for adjust to the change of me working days and her being in daycare. She seems to enjoy her days there and has made a few friends,  but morning drop offs are still a nightmare six months later! I thought by now she would have adjusted to the change but she is still having a hard time.

My goal is to post at least once a week to my blog. Trying to set a reasonable goal for myself. I am starting to plan my daughter's 4th birthday party and thought it would be a good time to start blogging again. I can not believe that she is almost 4!! My how time flies! This year she wants a Princess birthday party. My worst nightmare comes true. She is such a little girly girl and I am so far from that that planning this party will be a challenge for me.  When she told me she wanted a Princess party this year I had no idea were to start. I knew I wanted something different than the typical princess party. I didn't want princess plastered all over the place and those bright princess colors are a little over the top for me. So I started researching and thinking of ideas that were outside of the box. Then it came to me! The ideas started flowing and I created an Inspiration Board to keep me on track! I can't wait to start sharing all my ideas with you.

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